
Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Starting today, Year 1 is learning about measurement.  We understand now that we can use a variety of objects as a non-standard unit of measurement, including toys, pencils, water bottles, signs, and even ourselves!

We decided to gather a few materials to measure dinosaur fossil prints.  We need to estimate before we measure.  That's good thinking!

 Owen suggested we could use Wikistix as a unit of measurement!

 Joyce suggested Numicon pieces.

 Uni suggested coloured pencils.

 Simon and Athy suggested we use toy cars!

Toni and Joyce suggested wood blocks.
Max suggested we use puzzle pieces.

Miyu suggested we use our months of the year posters.

Athy and Max have a go with our new non-standard units.

 Ida understands that she can use toy dinosaurs to measure.

 Joyce correctly estimated she would need five Numicon pieces to measure the large dinosaur foot!  Well done, Joyce!

 Miyu discovered that she needed a lot more puzzle pieces than she estimated she would!

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